Ainsley Toonsley began as a spark of imagination and family lore and is credited largely to the imagination of our youngest child. However, as all good folk lore, her origin story is a bit fuzzy and vague. I’d like to think she came about as the kids were deep in the play of make believe and a character she used often, but in all honesty she could have simply been our interpretation of her words as a 2 year old child, which honestly meant something else altogether, like “all MY cookies!!”. Well maybe not…
But in any case, Ainsley was the spark of inspiration for many fun activities throughout the childhood years and Melodie, her older sister and trusty side kick, joined in on the adventures. As the kids grew and darted off to start their own stories, we were also embarking on our own journey and the inspiration of Ainsley lived on. Through Ainsley we see the world as a place to explore and learn the many stories of those who have explored before us. Through Melodie we are mindful of our plans and share the steps of the journey along the way, because there is no adventure without first a plan of action.
We hope you enjoy the stories of our travels through the eyes of Ainsley and Melodie and they inspire a few adventures of your own.
Meet the Team:
Ainsley Toonsley, Creative Blogger – Our curious travel explorer who sees the world with a touch of whimsy. She is always ready for the next adventure. She loves art and nature and looks for the beauty in the world around her.
Melodie Toonsley, Travel Reporter – Our pragmatic guide who is a fantastic navigator and planner. She is a history buff who appreciates architecture and design and lives by the phrase “look up”.
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